Back then our dads and uncles especially after dinner, would congregate either on the porch or sala for a few smokes and a nightcap. The seniors usually go for cognac or brandy..long story short, together with a batch of cousins (around 7-ish) had the first taste of an alcoholic drink as per family tradition. "But don't think we're alcoholics!"
As they say, better that you take the first sip from them and see if you like the effect or not (if you'll be traumatized not to drink ever again or if its apparent you'll be needing some guidance someday hehe!). True enough, because of that tradition, we do mind our intake when in public and get silly drunk when we're safe at home instead.
Not an expert just the experience at parties held almost every week since salad days and a short class on Wine 101 so there's more room to learn. Plus, still prefer to use certain spirits with cooking (beef and seafood). Still trying to "build" at least half of that well-stocked bar up there, in case there's need to entertain impromptu and well, it's tradition!
lets party na!